With all of the choices in online course selection, our goal is to offer a type of study that fits your preferred style of learning.
A Selection Of Classes to Keep You Engaged
This training site offers online courses in calligraphy and lettering, painting with mixed media, and techniques for expressive journaling.
Pre-recorded classes are professionally edited, and options to attend monthly Live Sessions provide extra inspiration and encourage community.
You can buy any time, watch the lessons immediately, and watch as often as you like.
Classes start as soon as your payment is processed, they run on your schedule, and you have extended access for up to three years.
Note: To See Randall's paintings, visit randallmhasson.com or
Learn at your own pace
Access amazing, in-depth courses, including hours of high quality video with introductions detailing calligraphic origins, multiple camera angles, step-by-step instructions, and options for you to choose the best format for your learning style including sections on basic strokes and letter groups.
For Guilds and Study Groups
Hybrid Classes offer Live Sessions for a group experience with synergy and semi-formal deadlines combined with learn-at-your-own-pace, high quality, prerecorded videos. These can be geared towards small groups of 10 or 15 such as study groups, or larger guild events with up to 100 participants.
Private Instruction
For those who wish to have more individual interaction and to ask specific questions about process, techniques, brainstorming about subject matter, or to have their work methods reviewed, private sessions are available. Scheduling can be done at your convenience, and sessions can be purchased as a package or as single sessions.
Live Session Learning Library
Join our community and connect with students from around the world who are just like you. Ten Monthly Live Sessions per year offer opportunities to learn and share. A private Facebook group also help keep in touch and get feedack. Add this to your course enrollment or join separately.
Study at your own pace while you connect with friends, share artwork, and be inspired through social media and Randall's monthly live sessions. Collaborate with friends by setting up your own small group for a hybrid workshop.
Randall M. Hasson is an artist, calligrapher, instructor and speaker who has appeared on the faculty of over 25 Arts, Lettering Arts, and Educational Conferences in the United States, Canada and England. He is the author of articles on a variety of Art or Lettering Art related subjects and has appeared as a mainstage presenter and/or teacher with lecture topics covering Public Art, Art History, the Painting Process, Collaborative Art Projects, and the History of Writing including the recent invention of the ADLaM Alphabet in West Africa.
In 2015, he co-edited of the 24th (Centennial) Edition of The Speedball Textbook. In addition to a series of online workshops called Writing with a Bent Nib, Randall is currently writing and designing his forthcoming book Teaching America How to Letter – The Speedball Story, a history of commercial lettering and American show card writing in the 1900’s.